
  • Promoting Algae Education

    The Algae Foundation’s mission is to promote the power of algae to transform human society and the environment upon which it depends. We work towards a future in which algae are a fundamental source of energy, nutrition & health products, industrial chemicals, dyes, and ecological services for sustainable societies globally.

  • The ATEC Project

    The consortium’s goal is to develop novel educational programs to strengthen industry workforce capabilities, by focusing on the skills needed to support the commercialization of algal products.

  • The Algae Academy

    The K-12 Algae STEM Initiative aims to educate and excite students on the power of algae as a sustainable solution for several of the dilemmas facing our global community.

  • Summer Institute

    The Summer Algae Science Institute (SASI) is a 2-day intensive hands on workshop where teachers work through the Algae Foundation’s Algae Academy curriculum.

  • Student Scholarships

    We find and support the development of future leaders of the algae industry through scholarships, grants and other financial and organizational support.

  • Technical Standards

    The goal of this document is to provide an overview of the current state of the art of measurements or metrics, as well as policy and regulatory environments that are pertinent to the development and growth of a successful algal industry.